Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nasihat: Duit, duit, duit

Semalam aku dikunjungi seorang rakan yang memang dah lama tak jumpa. Mula-mula aku ingatkan dia dah kahwin dan sibuk menguruskan rumah tangga sampai telefon pun tak dapat.

Rupa-rupanya dia sekarang sedang sibuk menguruskan satu bisnes dalam bidang kesihatan dan kecantikan yang aku anggap agak berjaya.

Tengah berborak panjang tue, tiba-tiba aku terceritalah pasal aku pergi temuduga dan syarikat tue hanya menawarkan RM 1,800 untuk gaji bulanan. Dan aku cakap, aku jangkakan gajinya RM 2,500 yang bagi aku agak tinggilah untuk orang yang baru keluar universiti.

Tiba-tiba, dia dengan selambanya cakap, RM2,500 tue takde ape tau.

Hah? Terkejut dengan respons dia tapi aku tanya kenapa?

Dia cakap, tengoklah keadaan ekonomi kita sekarang. Mampu ke nak hidup dengan banyak tue? Kalau orang bujang pun dah rasa semput, apakan pulak orang yang dah kahwin?

Ya tak ya jugak.

Kemudian, cerita cerita lagi. Terkeluarlah pulak cerita pasal aku pernah jumpa orang pangkat tinggi dengan gaji RM15,000 sebulan dan aku cakap banyaklah...kayalah orang tue...blabla...

Nak tau dia cakap apa?

Kau rasa RM15k tue banyak ke? Aku yang baru keja nie pun RM**k sebulan.

Waaahhh! Sekejap aku ternganga luas (giler)...

Memanglah...dia kan orang bisnes. Duit ribu-ribu tue memang biasalah. Tapi jangan ingat cara dia cakap tue macam berlagak. Tak.

Sebenarnya dia nasihat aku supaya mula tambah duit poket sendiri. (Dia tak ajak aku join bisnes apa2 ok)...

Dia kata:
Duit yang kita ada sekarang nie nampak jer macam banyak...tapi sebenarnya, satu hari nanti kau akan terkejut bila sampai masa kau nak beli rumah, kereta...blabla...
Masa tuelah kau akan terkejut.
Kau kena mula buat sesuatu sebelum kau habis belajar.

Aku tanya: Macam mana?

Dia jawab: INVEST!

Kau melaburlah dengan mana2 institusi. Banyak institusi kat negara nie yang kau boleh masuk dan melabur. Contohnya ASNB, bank-bank...

Belum sempat aku cakap apa-apa dia dah potong...

Ya, memang kau makan RIBA! Tapi ada cara untuk CUCI duit tu...
Kita tak boleh nak lari dari riba sebab sistem yang kita guna tue Yahudi.
Jadi, kita kena bijaklah!

Aku boleh nampak yang dia memang betul-betul ikhlas nasihat kat aku dan aku nampak apa yang dia cakap tue memang betul pun.

Dia tambah lagi:
Azie, kalau kita takde duit, macam mana kita nak buat kebajikan? Jangan jadi macam satu kaum kat negara nie, jangankan nak beli rumah, nak sewa rumah dan nak makan pun tak lepas. Setiap malam diorang tidur kat padang airport dan pagi2 sebelum pukul 7.30 diorang dah kena kemas khemah dan pergi kerja.

Kalau macam tue punya cara, macam mana nak beribadat? Nak bersedekah?
Nak tolong orang-orang yang tidak bernasib baik?

Oh, dia cakap...
mujurlah umur kau belum 30 tahun.
Aku nasihatkan kau cepat rancang sekarang untuk beli rumah sebab lepas umur 30 tahun, semuanya lain. Bayaran lain, pinjaman lain, dah tentu lebih susah...
Kawan2 kat Malaysia, nie nasihat untuk anda sekali...

Selamat Berpuasa!
Semoga kita dimurahkan rezeki dan sentiasa di jalan yang lurus...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

kalau aku rajin menulis...

Kalaulah aku rajin menulis macam aku rajin tulis kat blog nie, mungkin aku dah siap sebijik novel kan?

Aku ade sorang kawan, hampir tiap-tiap hari dia update blog. Tapi dia buat cerita la kan. Dan sekarang dia dah pun berjaya terbitkan satu novel. Gempak kan?

Aku yang dah bertahun-tahun ada idea tapi tak tulis-tulis, macam nie jer lah. Takde menampakkan hasil. Idea pun dah terperam lama. Tak ingat dah...haih...

Rezeki tu ada di mana-mana tapi kita yang kena bijak cari peluang. ^__^

There was once...

I had this very bad habit when I was stressed and depressed and sad....ah, you can list all sorts of emotions that relate to someone who is having big problems...

What habit?

Well, put aside the habit that I loved to punch on the wall until bleeding or until my knuckles get black and blue...because I'm small and I can't wrestle with people (maybe I'll end up at hospital ^^)

I loved to drink Coke! Yes! That was my bad habit! When I felt emotionally unstable, I found that Coke could calm me...sometimes, I thought it is some kind of alcohol or something.

I loved the feeling of pricking inside my throat. I loved the sweet and bitter taste of the Coke! I can finish one small bottle of Coke in just a few minutes! Seemed like I was drinking beer or something, right?

And to my shock, I heard rumours that there is alcohol inside Coke! At first, I didn't believe it but when I came to think of it, it was quite true...well, then.

I stopped drinking Coke and tried to avoid it as much as I can. Though I missed its taste, I knew it's not good for me. Plus, the sugar in it is too much, right? And the carbonated drink made me sick because of its gas.

And now, I have a new bad habit! Which I think is much worse.

I love to drink Nescafe!

The caffeine inside it makes me feel relaxed. And same as the Coke, when I'm stressed, I will drink a few cups of it in not more than 5 hours...which is very, very bad for the health!

After drinking that much, I would feel emotionally unstable. My hands feel like throwing anything in front of me. In short, it makes me violent. My stomach hurts.

Well, I'm just trying to say, if you had not consumed any of these two, please AVOID it!

It's not a good practice. You see?'s not that I'm violent. Sometimes, I feel like running amok. That's all...most of the time, I'm very delicate. So, don't be scared ^__^

Just A Few Words

Thank you Allah for letting me breathe until this very moment....

Thank you mom for always being there for me...
when I'm happy and when I'm sad

Thank you to all my friends
You guys and girls are just so great

Every little thing seems to be very meaningful to me
though sometimes it hurt
but that is the thing that grows me up

I wish I will have a meaningful life
Here and thereafter

May God bless us all...

and I would like to wish

Happy Ramadhan al-Mubarak
ahlan wasahlan ya Ramadhan

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Soalan Lelaki Suka Tanya Tapi Perempuan Tak Suka Jawab

haha...pesal tetibe plak tajuk aku nie? ada pape ke?

xderlah...sebenarnya da lama ada idea nak tulis menda nie, cuma belum berkesempatan lagi...

and, baik aku tulis awal2 sebelum aku ade bf...nanti kalo aku tulis mase aku ade bf, nanti org tue ingat aku kutuk dia pulak kan?

so, aku just nak tulis soalan2 yang pernah ditanya oleh lelaki dan perempuan (macam aku) tak suka nak jawab.

macam mana nak tau kau tu perempuan macam aku? kalau kau tak setuju ngan komen aku, maknanya kau tak hardcore macam aku hehe (no offence ya)...

jadi, mempersembahkan....

1) Awak dah mandi belum?

>>>uiks, nape tanye aku da mandi belum? censored jer..hermn...

2) Awak dah solat? Tak baik tau melambat-lambatkan solat.

>>>amboi, tanye org je kejanya...diri sendiri? dah solat belum? nie kisah benar tau, aku penah jumpa org yg asyik tanya mcm tue tp diri sendiri tak buat pon!

>>>kalau period camne nak jawab? nak menipu kang tak baik, nak berterus-terang tak bezt la weh...

3) Awak pakai baju tidur ke? Ke awak pakai baju apa?

>>>ish ish ish...nie lah soalan yang paling aku menyampah! apa kes? bahaya dowh! ingat aku tak tau? hermn....

ermn...da tak bole nak fikir la soalan ape lagi yg lelaki suke tanye nie tapi aku tak suke jawab...sorry lah yer guys, ak tatau kalau soalan nie soalan biasa jer bagi org yg dah bercouple bertahun-tahun...

tapi untuk pompuan mcm ak nie, i x biaserlah u...hish, menyampah!

Nak Lagi...hehe

Terkejut bila dapat panggilan dari mak sedara. Soalan dia:

"Dah baca Berita Harian ke belum?"

Alamak, aku baru bangun tido. Camne nak jawab nie? hehehe...

"Belum, kenapa?"

"Muka demo terpampang kat surat khabar tue. Besar lagi gambarnyer!"

"Hah? Ye ke? HAHAHAHA...."

Kebetulan pulak aku baru nak keluar. Apa lagi, singgah Petronas. Mujurlah ada banyak lagi surat khabar walaupun dah pukul 3 petang...

Cepat-cepat belek carik gambar sendiri. Excited, terlebih!

Yaaaaaa!!!! Gambo aku mase conference hari tue! haha....

Yang kelakarnya, aku tak tau...haha tapi takpelah...yang penting gambo aku elok hahaha...gambar tue mase aku tengah present kowt...

Eh, Pensyarah Akademi Pengajian Bahasa UiTM? Hermn, takpelah...doa tue..amin!

Nak baca berita penuh? Sila klik kat sini.

Nak gambar yang lebih jelas? Klik kat sini.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

writing a thesis is like blogging

aha...suddenly it stroked in my mind that writing a thesis is just like blogging! How?

first, you will brainstorm, what topic do you want to write? that is the very first step that we do when we were about to write a thesis and blog!

sometimes, you may experience writer's block where you don't have any idea of what to write!

then, you need to find the content. what facts do you have? what proofs can you show to the readers?

while blogging, you would cite other blogs because sometimes, you have taken the facts from them. Sometimes, we don't even know where it originally comes from!

the same goes to writing a thesis! you have to cite other people's works because what you write is not originally from you! you have to write their names and the year they wrote about it!

after finishing all the writings, you will read again to make sure that what you have written is interesting enough to attract the readers. In the case of thesis, will it convince the examiners and the experts?

finally, you publish your writings! and you will wonder if you have written well....

well, what i write in this post is what happening to me...what about you? ^_^v

Monday, July 25, 2011

Just My Luck (my story)

haha...I know there is a movie entitled "Just My Luck". This post is inspired from that movie.

Well, just so you know, I went out again today even though I already went out yesterday ^^,

Today was much better you know. Even I stepped out much later than our appointment, (means I was late!) I managed to catch the buses (I didn't have to wait for so long!) What a relief!

Of course I got a seat for that about 30 minutes trip.

Then, my friend and I went into a restaurant. There was a couple that arrived earlier than us but the waiter saw us and entertained us first...well, it wasn't my fault hehe...

Knowing we were already late to go to the destination, but we still went to the toilet and withdrew some cash first. But then, when we went for the LRT, it arrived not later than 5 minutes! What a day!

We planned to watch Harry Potter and it was already 3 pm. We thought maybe it would be full-house because this is Sunday and we might get to watch much later but we got the 4 pm show!

At the surau, I easily got the place and the veil although it was quite crowded. Alhamdulillah...

On the way back, I decided to go back by KTM train. So, I went to the platform 5 and it was so crowded but I managed to get a seat and this time waited for almost 15 minutes. Never mind, I got the seat!

Despite that there were so many people and my slow reaction to get into the train, I managed to catch a seat too! Without me having to race for it! Oh, really thankful because it was a 30 minute trip!

Arrived at the station, I decided to take a cab. After me and 2 other passengers were in it, we were instructed to change into another taxi. But then, the other taxi already had 2 passengers and would only allow another 2.

Well, I surrendered because I was alone. So, I let the other 2 persons to get on the cab and decided to wait for the bus (which I dislike because I would have to change the bus to go home)...

BUT before long, another empty taxi asked to give me a ride and I happily got on it (only ME which I was quite scared but I always pray to God for my safety)...

Ah...I managed to arrive home early and safely.

I'm so happy that it's just my lucky day today. Yesterday was quite horrible. So, looks like the luck wheel has turned upside down today...^^,

Let us wish for a better tomorrow...Amin....

Friday, July 22, 2011

13th International Conference on Translation

We meet again! hahaha...

I was eager to write this post but there was a problem where I couldn't upload any images. Turn out, the problem was because I was using the blogger draft. So, I converted to the traditional one and here I am!

With the new post and lots of pictures from the International Conference on Translation that I was talking about!

The story began when my supervisor a.k.a lecturer asked me to write a paper and she asked me to present in this conference. It was early this year and I just met her for the first time that day!

I was so shocked when she told me that and I didn't know if I could do it...I mean, to write and present a paper!

Then, days, weeks, months passed by and I was trying hard, thinking what should I write.

Many times, I changed the title, and the writings too. The process was very tiring...

Then, May came. It was late already and I hadn't finished anything.

My supervisor was quite mad at me because she thought I was too lazy. Then, one day, she came to me and said:

"I want you to finish your paper by this week. Otherwise, I won't help you anymore..."

Waaaahhh...I was so scared! (psst...don't think she is mean. In fact, she is very kind to me...)

So, I struggled for 2 days and successfully finished that paper. I felt relieved.

About 2 weeks after that, she told me:

"I want you to present 2 papers..."


Once again, I was so scared and shocked but I wrote another paper and finished it within a few days too...

Relieved. And days passed by and the day of the presentation came!

You know, it really had been a year since my last presentation, and that was during my degree. Uh, oh...

-My presentation was in the evening. So, I was so nervous that I went to the toilet for countless times! It was still morning...huhu-

-I was quite worried because my session was the last session. Luckily there were still many people in the room-

-Out of the blue, I gained my confidence. It was such a miracle!-

-So, I just talked and talked...alhamdulillah. It went smoothly-

I was so relieved to see my supervisor was smiling during my presentation. Maybe that's why I gained my confidence...^__^

And one more thing, after I finished, people gave me a loud applause (well, of course they clapped, it's a norm) but I felt so good. Then, I saw some of them gave me thumbs up! And some others said,

"Very good presentation!"

"I like your presentation!"

Oh, seriously! That was a beautiful moment that I would never forget in my life! It was such an inspiring moment!

Then, I got worried again for my presentation for the second day.

Unfortunately, I don't have the pictures from the second presentation. In contrast to the first, this time I got to present for the very first session in the morning.

Once again, it was full-house! I can see Arabic, Persian, English, Chinese and many other faces which of course made me very nervous!

But then, I saw my supervisor and she was smiling all the way at me! She really got me inspired! And finally, it went smoothly and there was a second beautiful moment where people congratulated me once again!

~I feel good! nananana~

So relieved! Finally I did 2 presentations successfully!

I'm really thankful to have the lecturer as my supervisor because all the things she did for me was for my own good! Even though the process was a pain but the result was a beautiful gain!

-Last day, no more concerns-

-With my friends. They were also presenting and they also did well-

-Memories at the Conference on Translation 2011-

-At Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia-

-My tag as the presenter-

-This is the proceeding where my papers are inside it-
-yeay, published!-

- This was the first paper that I presented-

-And this was the second paper that I presented-

-These are the books that I received as the token of appreciation!-

These books are expensive. I'm so happy to get them for free!

I'm so happy that everything went smoothly. At least, I've fulfilled one of the condition to pass my masters degree that is to publish or present a paper. I really hope that I would pass my proposal defense this coming October! Please pray for my luck!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

At the international conference!

Hello my dear readers,

How are you doing? I'm sorry because I've been in silent mode for a few days because I'd been busy preparing for my first presentations in an international conference ever! It had been 1 year since my last presentation. That's why I needed some time to prepare and practice.

Yes, I did it! I presented 2 papers in front of many experts in translation field from various countries!

What amazing experience I had!

I wish I could update my experience with pictures but tonight, the internet connection is having problem. So, I'll write again about this!

The conference is the 13th International Conference on Translation being held from 19th to 21st July at Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bila Gunung Berapi Meletup...

hahaha...itulah kan. kadang-kadang kita nie banyak tak puas hati dengan orang. Rasa tak puas hati selalu berebut nak jadi raja dalam hati. Tapi sifat sabar selalu menghunus pedangnya ke arah rasa tak puas hati.

"Selagi aku pegang pedang nie, kau jangan berani nak jadi raja!"

Jadi, kita masih bertahan walau hati rasa sakit nak pecah.

apalah nak bermadah-madah pulak kan...hermn...yer...aku dah termeletup beberapa hari lepas. Rasanya macam gunung berapi kat bawah nie. Tak pun, kalaulah boleh dilihat marah aku yang meletup, mungkin lebih dahsyat lagi...(*perasan*)...

adoi...seriuslah. Prinsip hidup aku senang. Selagi kau tak cari masalah dengan aku, aku okey jer walaupun kau dah bergaduh dengan kawan aku tahap 'dewa'....

tapi selagi kau tak buat aku marah, aku boleh layan lagi kau...TAPI... 2 hari lepas, hamba Allah nie dah buat satu kenyataan yang aku rasa 'ditujukan' pada aku. Tak taulah kalau dia tujukan pada orang lain tapi walaupun pada orang lain, aku masih rasa dia tak patut buat kenyataan yang tak berhati perut tue.

apa lagi...aku teruslah mendidih sebab aku tak ada buat apa-apa pun! kenapa nak tuduh aku macam-macam?

aku memang tak faham lah apa yang dia fikir...

disebabkan itu, aku pun meletuplah kat Facebook. Yang tak pernah-pernah mencarut jadi mencarut, kan...

mintak maaflah pada kawan-kawan yang terkejut tengok aku mengamuk di alam maya. Sebab aku tak boleh nak mengamuk secara fizikal. Mak aku dah pesan, jangan sesekali 'sentuh' orang lain...

tengok, mak aku pun dah tau betapa berbahayanya kalau aku mengamuk secara fizikal....haih...

maaflah yer...sebab aku nie memang brutal sikit. pada kawan-kawan yang anggap aku sebaliknya selama nie, maaf sebab dah buat sangkaan anda meleset.

Inilah diri aku yang sebenar. Panas baran. Suka mengamuk. Aku susah nak marah, tapi bila dah marah, habislah!

oh...cuma satu jer yang tak betul. Aku bukan jenis yang mencarut. harap maklum. Bila saat nazak nanti, aku mahu mengucap, aku tak mahu nanti susah nak mengucap sebab asyik mencarut. nauzubillah...

erm...bila 'lava' kemarahan dah menyejuk, rasa macam menyesal pun ada jugak sebab dah meletup...tau tak kenapa? cuba tengok gambar kat bawah nie...

-eh, ada gunung berapi meletus ke? kenapa aku tak rasa pun bahangnya? nak kena lari ke?-

nampak tak apa yang aku maksudkan? orang yang aku marah gila-gila tue buat macam tak tahu jer...agaknya dia fikir positif kot yang aku bukan marah dia....

haih...nampaknya sia-sialah gunung berapi meletup hari tue. Lain kali, sepatutnya aku tak aktifkan gunung berapi. Ambik M-16, terus acu pada sasaran kan? Barulah orang tue sedar siapa yang aku maksudkan sebenarnya...

hermn...terima kasih kepada yang bagi nasihat suruh aku bersabar...

Cukuplah sepanjang hidup aku jumpa orang yang suka sakitkan hati orang lain. Sama ada secara sedar ataupun tidak. Pengalaman aku dah cukup banyak. Hati aku dah banyak terhiris, tertikam, tertembak... hinggakan aku dah lali dengan semuanya. Jadi, bila aku boleh meletup macam tue, maknanya benda nie dah memang teramat teruk. Sekian, harap maklum. Terima kasih.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Book Review - Haunting Stories

Before I write anything, I would like to apologise to the author of this book because this is what I truly feel.

I just finished reading this book entitled "Haunting Stories: 23 True Life Encounters in Singapore and Malaysia" written by Khadijah Moore.

Yep, I'm one of the dumb people who love to read supernatural, ghost and all those wicked books. It's my interest, I just can't help it...^__^

Well, back to the main point. What I'm trying to say is, this book is not interesting at all. From 10 points, I would rate this book at 5 or maybe below. Why? There are many reasons behind it.

First of all, each story is too lengthy although the actual plot is very short. Sometimes, I feel that unnecessary points are also included. Yes, I do appreciate the author's intention to provide knowledge while readers are reading but because of too much information, the excitement has gone completely off.

Moreover, the author is not originally Malay. So, there are several terms and facts, that as far as my knowledge is applicable, they are wrongly written and explained.

Overall, I still think that the stories are priceless. It's just the way of writing that should be....erm...more of a storybook? Well, you complete it yourself.

If you are skeptical about my review here, you can get the book and review it yourself.

I've been reading a lot of ghost and haunting stories. That's why I dare to write this review.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Our Book Collection!

Hi all! ^__^

Now, I would like to show my collection of books!

As you know, I really love reading and I would buy any books that are attractive to me...
be it English or Malay books.

Be it comics, novels, magazines, I will buy books as long as I enjoy reading them!

First of all, above are my Enid Blyton's storybooks!

I started reading her books since I was in secondary school and
my English improves when reading these books...
(I mean, for new learners...)
I also like reading her books because I love reading about fairytales and magic
BUT doesn't mean I believe they exist...just for fun, you know...

Now, this is the preview of my books. You can see there are novels too!
Mind you, there are more novels at the back of this front row...
I just didn't want to get all the books out just to get the picture ^^,
would take time to rearrange...

aha...these are my comics!
ok, ok, these are our siblings and I really love comics!
Again, there are much more at the back row!

Suddenly I remember someone accused me because the person said that I followed (imitated) that person's habit of buying and reading comics....well then, I've seen your collection of comics and they are not as many as mine as in the, if you were me, would you say I imitated that person? since I've been reading comics for ages!

ok, ok, this post is for fun...haha...I just wish that person will realise what had been said to me wasn't true at all...

This is the full preview (though not really full) of my book rack...ops, our book rack...

What are these?
These are various kinds of magazines...only from these recent years...
there are many more from yearsssss ago that some of them, no no, many of them, we had to throw and give to other people while we were moving to this house...
because we couldn't afford to keep and move all of them!

And these are old magazines...just for fun!

Mind you, these are not the only books that we have. There are many more in the store....
haha...again, we have to think how to move them since we are going to move to a new house, maybe next year....^^,

my family and I just couldn't resist our desire to buy books

Saturday, July 9, 2011

it had been my dream...

Since I was a little girl, I had always dreamed of being a teacher.

Yep, my ambition since I was a little girl was to be a TEACHER.

After sitting for SPM, I started to apply for institutions that will let me to become a teacher.

BUT I was so unfortunate that I didn't get any reply from them...

Well, life must go on...

So, I decided to go for a matriculation college thinking that it was a platform for me to apply for a degree in education, later on.

Then again, after completing my pre-university, I continued with my plan...

That time, I was so confident that my dream will finally come true when I was called for a test before an interview....

BUT again, I was not called for any interview.

Then, I knew, I failed again....did I do bad in the test?

Well, I don't know...maybe yes, maybe not.

Then, I sadly moved on to a course in Linguistic (English) since I was interested to be an English teacher...

Being in this course, slowly my interest to be a teacher had decreased.

Suddenly I felt that this course was very good for me....

since suddenly my interest grew deeper into translation and editing.

One fine day, I applied for a young lecturer scheme by chance...

and I was called for an interview.

This was what I dreamed of! I told myself...

BUT it was weird because my heart was not excited at all.

I went to the interview half-heartedly, knowing that my interest had changed...

I didn't expect anything good from the interview because


But it didn't mean that I didn't want to know the result and

I just wanted to know if I did well even if I failed to get it....

well, this thing, not all people can understand how I felt....

and rumour has it that I failed, AGAIN...and that was not the thing that bothered me...

well, just as I said, not everyone could understand even if I explained...

after quite a long time, I could get over my depression state and I started to accept that TEACHING is not for me. lecturer once said to me, straight into my face:

"Are you sure you want to be a lecturer? You don't have the criteria, you know..."

She asked me the same thing many times, over and over again, that one day I answered:

"Yes, I know..."

That kept her silent after that....

BUT I kept thinking of her words...she is right!

I'm an introvert person. I only love to write but I don't really like to speak...especially teach...hermn...

Now, I must thank her though I was hurt. Why? She was true after all.

Teaching is not for me, at least for now...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

aku yang malas dan pelupa

hari nie bangun dgn perasaan malas lagi....

hari2 mmg macam nie pun....

sebelum bangun, termenung dulu,

bertanya soalan yg sama setiap hari...

"Hari nie nak pi keja ke tak?"

adoi...boley pulak main pilih2 eh?

kalau da memang keja betul,

confirm kena fire la jawabnya...

akhirnya, aku gagahkan diri bangun dan bersiap walaupun jam dah dekat pukul 10 a.m.

dekat kul 11 a.m. baru sampai sebab tunggu bas n kena tukar bas lagi....

(sebenarnya itu yang malas nak pi keja...huhu)

sampai2, da nak start wat keja, supervisor tanya,

"are you sure you want to work here? since no one is here, it's quite boring...."

waaahhh...supervisor ku yg memahami...

thank you!

aku apa lagi, terus kemas beg n bersedia untuk balik...

eh, nanti jap!

oh! OH! oh!

Aku lupa nak ambik tandatangan dia untuk claim bulan Jun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

arghh...tidak! dahlah dia busy giler...n skrg die da keluar dari bangunan tue...


kalau org lain nak bising pasal claim ak lambat ke, camner? hadoyai...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

i like clean & tidy house

Just wanna talk a little bit about cleanliness...

Well, I admit that it's too hard to keep a house always clean and tidy...

not to mention if there are kids in the house!

However, even if there are no kids, still, some of us (grown-ups) do not know how to keep the house in order.

It's more difficult when persons like me have to live under the same roof with these kinds of persons.


I'm saying this in general, okay?

Unless, if you feel this is you, you should change....

errrr...I'm not saying that I'm a clean-freak

BUT enough to say that I love clean and tidy house!

yep...I agree, when we are busy (me too)...we won't have time to clean and tidy up our place...

isn't it so?

BUT I would strongly recommend, try to do it on weekends or maybe before going to sleep or after waking up in the mornings...

then, I think we should be able to have a neat and tidy house!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

KFC???? tanak dah!!!!!

yep...ak agak terlambat utk jumpa video nie...tarikhnya 25 June 2011....

BUT but BUT....

can u see it? can you?

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????

huwarghhhh...tanak makan KFC DAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

bengong punye manusia! hampeh siot!

(maaf but mmg takleh nak dimaafkan lah)


Out of the blue, just now my memory tuned to a song by this renowned group, Westlife.

It is My Love. This song is very meaningful to me...Why?

Is it a song dedicated by my non-existing boyfriend?

OH, NO NO...

My Love is the first English song that I started to listen.

And because of Westlife, I've begin to listen to English songs henceforth started to learn English from songs!

How does it sound? Learning English from songs?

Yep, absolutely true!

When I was in my childhood, my English was very bad.

One of the alternatives is to listen to English songs.

(I mean 'clean' English songs and Westlife is one of them!)

Westlife is an Irish pop group formed on 3 July 1998 (as Wikipedia stated).

I love their songs very much because sometimes they get me motivated by certain lyrics.

Try listen to You Raise Me Up, Seasons in the Sun, I Have a Dream and so on...

You will find their lyrics are easy to understand and useful for anyone who wants to learn English and sometimes, they can motivate you too!

However, one of the group members departed from the group in 2004...

termenung lagi...

termenung sejenak memikirkan masalah negara yang tidak berkesudahan....

sampai bilalah pemimpin dan rakyat akan terus berbalah?

susahlah kalau camnie...

terfikir pulak masalah orang-orang di sekeliling....

cepat melatah...tak nak terima kesalahan sendiri

(adakah aku pun termasuk jugak? mungkin ya mungkin tak)

erm...susah rupanya nak tegur orang nie....

kalau susah nak tegur, macam mana nak saling ingat-mengingatkan?

sangat2 berharap agar semua orang di dunia nie boleh hidup dengan masyarakat sekeliling dengan baik....

tak usah angkat ego tue tinggi sangat....

kalau post nie pun ade orang nak terasa....aku tak taulah nak cakap apa...

haih...dunia dunia...susah betul kalau orang tak nak rasa pahitnya kebenaran...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Isu Kahwin Lambat (Jawapan)

ish ish...asyik2 isu yg sama jer....isu apa?

isu wanita berkerjaya...tak pun berpendidikan tinggi tak nak kahwin awal.

Sengaja nak kahwin lambat...

dari dulu lagi ak rasa geram jer bila baca laporan2 yg macam nie...

ak tak tau lah kalau memang betul wanita yang dimaksudkan nie mmg sengaja nak kahwin lambat tapi pernah tak terfikir yang ada dalam kalangan wanita nie yang xder calon langsung?

pernah terfikir tak? tolonglah....

macam mana nak kahwin kalau xder orangnyer lagi?

nak kahwin dengan sape?

bukannye saje nak melambatkan...ini bukan alasan okey. bukan ALASAN.

dan jangan cakap yang golongan nie memilih lah.

nak memilih apanya kalau xder senarai pun untuk dipilih?

bagi mereka yg ada calon tu, ak tak taulah nak kata apa kan...tapi yg golongan nie?

apa2 jer lah...
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